Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cheetah Gang

"Where is sasi...?" KarthiK asking at Prasanna..."He went to call them,up..." Minutes went down with full of silent...."sasi......"karthik is crawling..."sa...shihihi..."the echo is the only answer for him..Jayakumar lied down..."Oh..Fuck....What they are....? " karthik seemingg to be at tension.." They will come..I never expect Ferosh should like this..."..."Ajmal,Rajesh everyone is fucking coward...fucking people..".." Now what to do...?'.." where are we actually,pras...".."Don't know.." Pras looking around and observing without his knowledge...Ya...It's really we don't know we are actually...It was the Time of...Exactly we don't know..But the date us ...'June-2nd of 2004'...The sunlight is very dim...Now we are 1000 meters height from ground...We are totally seven..All are and called and said to be as cheetah gang................,,